JavaScript, Frontend, Package, Managers

Top JavaScript Frontend Package Managers

As the technology and commanding languages are improving their package handles are also improving themselves. In the market at present, many package managers are wondering few are good for the work. It is hard when we find people are confused and feeling frustrated while selecting package manager. So we have decided to let’s make some talk about these. There are so many of these managers. But here we will be listing 5 package managers those you can use while doing front end development.

1. NPM

NPM package manager

First Commit: September 29, 2009

Twitter of Creator: 

This one is taken as Node Package Manager and even called the same. But if that so what is the meaning of listing it here. It is also manager of world’s largest software registry. You can manage public and private code with the same workflow. It holds the largest collection of free and reusable codes. It can be used for frontend web apps, mobile apps, robots and routers. Usage Package: Free, $7 per user/ month, $16 per user/month.

2. Yarn

yarn package manager Twitter of Yarn:  This package was first initiated by the Facebook and is supported by the Google. It uses caching mode to make fast and quick development. It downloads every code as a cache so you don’t need to download it again and again. Its server use queues up request so that it can handle the bulk of request. It keeps checking packages after every installation to avoid corrupt packages.

3. Bower

Bower Package Manager First Commit: September 6, 2012

Creator on Twitter: 

It share a great reputation on GitHub and have highest stars than any other package managers. But don’t get blinded by its starts only. It surely is very useful and that’s why it earned the respect. When Bower first created, NPM was already present in the market. So what was the need of making of Bower? NPM only handle node.js and do not include a browser. Bower came into the market by eliminating this problem.


jspm package manager

First Commitment: Sept 16, 2013.

Twitter Feed:

JSPM is a manager for SystemJS universal module loader. It can load any module format directly from any registry such as NPM and GitHub with falt versioned dependency management. For the development purpose, it loads modules into separate files with E6 and plugins compiled in the browser. For production and development, it optimizes code into a bundle, layered bundle and self-executing bundle.



First Commitment: April 9, 2014

Twitter Feed:  

Duo is a next-generation package manager that blends best ideas from the component, Browserify and Go to make organizing and writing code for frontend painless. It has eliminated the requirement of package installation by introducing require() function. This load package just from the GitHub path. By this way, you don’t need to make any package.json file.

“Duo may save a little time in the short term, but it will cost you more in the long term.” – JavaScript Stuff

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