Internet of Thing for Beginners
What is internet of thing. IOT is used to collect, send and act on data using from communication hardware, embedded sensor and processors. Sometimes it is also known as internet of everything. It works on M2M communication system. M2M is a machine to machine communication which acts on the information get from one another. These whole process it will complete in a cycle i.e. lifecycle.
Now we will take a discussion about lifecycle of IOT. It is completed in four steps. First it will collect the information and communicate it with others. After communication, it will start to analyze them and act according to that.
IOT will gather the information from everywhere like home, office and manufacturing plant. It will communicate by sending data and events from source to destination through the network. For communication, it can use a cloud platform, data centre or a home network. IOT will analysis information from data by visualizing the data, building reports and filtering the data. It will take action on behalf of received information and data. It can communicate with other machine or can send a notification or talk to another system.
Now we will take a short discussion on working of IOT. It works on four technology. These are RFID, Sensor, Smart tech and nanotech. In RFID technology it track and identify the data of things. Sensor technology collects and process the data which is used to detect change in the physical status of things. After this, smart tech is used to enhance the network power through processing and developing network part. Nanotech, as its name explained, it will make smaller and smaller thing. Also, it makes able these things to connect and interact.
With the help of these four numerous technologies, it can perform some actions on things. These include the tagging, feeling, shrinking and thinking things. Tagging things means tracebility and addressability of real time item using RFID technology. Feeling things explains that it collects the data from the environment using primary data like sensors. Shrinking things uses the nanotechnology. It make the ability to interact and connects the smaller things in smart devices. It helps to make realizing and controlling on things.
Till now we understand the lifecycle and working of IOT. Apart from this there are some applications of IOT which make it more useful. Few of them are manufacturing, medical and healthcare systems, media, energy and infrastructure management.